Video Interview – The Chinese market for SPA-cosmetics

We all know the Chinese market is huge yet challenging for skin care products. Winning the Chinese market for SPAs and beauty salons is even more difficult. The main challenge here is the huge amount of studios in various sizes. It’s essential to find an appropriate sales strategy to cover and win as many potential customers as possible. One huge difference to normal skin care products is the target group. While the target group of normal skin care products is the end consumer, cosmetics for SPA and beauty salons should convince the owners of the institutions first, who are highly professional and demanding in terms of product functionalities and brand images.

In this Interview Mrs Mei Gräfe talked to Mrs Julie Zhu, Chief Operating Officer of the professional magazine for SPAs and beauty “Health Beauty China” about the Chinese market for SPA-cosmetics. Mrs Zhu pointed out the importance of market research, professionalism and industrial exchange between European product brands and the Chinese SPA owners as three success factors for SPA-cosmetics in China.


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