Market entrance China

A Chinese saying goes “A journey of thousand miles begins with the first step“. The complexity of market entry into an Asian market in many perspectives can be compared to a long journey with multiple challenges. A successful start is vital for the long-term success.

With our long time industry experience and market knowledge in Europe and Asia, we support you to achieve a solid foundation for your business development.

Our tip: Let the professionals handle your market entry formalities.

We provide:

Revenue growth in China

Not every company expanding overseas can set up their own presence in a foreign market from the beginning on, since it requires an enormous amount of resources and investment. How can you then grow your revenue in a foreign country like China?

We believe that correct sales strategies, suitable local partners and harmonious communication with them build up the road to success. With our experienced team and local contacts we provide you active support!

We undertake the following for you:

Social Media Marketing in China

China is a large and competitive market. The competition between local and international companies keeps intensifying. High brand awareness and a positive brand image are fundamental for sustainable market success, which can only be achieved by precise and permanent communication about the brand philosophy. Compared to classical advertising channels like TV and magazine advertisements social media marketing is becoming an indispensable marketing tool in China, due to its efficiency and economical distribution.

We have a highly qualified team for translating projects. Our translator team is able to handle large texts from various industrial sectors with sovereignty. We guarantee precise and stylistically correct Chinese. Your text receives a Chinese soul.

We founded the first Chinese information platform for natural based cosmetics and are working with social media platforms in China on an everyday base.

Our services are:


Ms Mei Graefe will take part in VIVANESS  Nuernberg, on 15th February 2018

Presentation "Off to China! (?) What you should know first"

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